What is the ADCI?

The American Dream Composite Index™ (ADCI) is a unique and robust measure of American sentiment that values the American Dream on a monthly basis. 

The notion of the American Dream encompasses our behaviors, attitudes and satisfaction with economic conditions, personal well-being, societal and political institutions, cultural diversity, and the physical environment. 

The ADCI reveals what people living in the United States do, strive for, work for, wish for, and ultimately, hope for as they assume multiple roles, including but not limited to, consumers, parents, children, students, employees, employers, parishioners, voters, etc.

The ADCI is 66.9, down ▼ -0.04% from April

Want to read the most recent report?

Download the most recent report and learn how the American Dream is changing

Download the December Report

Are you ready to look at the data?

Get a cut of our most recent data set and start exploring the components to the American Dream

Download the May Data

From the ADCI Blog

  • Workplace Dissatisfaction
    With all the talk the past few months about jobs and employment, I thought it might be interesting to view some recent perspectives on the matter from the ADCI data. In October we saw the steepest …
  • Gasoline Prices and The Savings Rate
    In the past few weeks, we’ve coined the term ‘a happy accident’ to explain why gas prices have declined so much, while retail sales have been flat, and the savings rate has …

Eye-Opening Results

"45% of all respondents say they would pay more for services like fast food if it meant the workers were paid more than minimum wage. These responses closely matched the reported political ideology where less than 30% of conservatives and 60% of liberals said they would pay more for these services if it meant better wages for workers."

"Over half of millennials report they would work more hours at their current primary job if given the opportunity"

"We use survey-reported factors to predict monthly retail sales, consumer sentiment, GDP, housing sales, discretionary income and spending." 

"As expected, credit card debt is the highest source of debt for most respondents outside of a mortgage.  This is even the case for millennials--23% of whom say student loans are their largest source of debt and 46% say credit cards are their largest source of debt."

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American Dream Composite Index
Xavier University
C/O Gregory Smith

Cincinnati, OH 45207-1217